Saturday, August 28, 2010

Santaquin Carnival

Lowynn on the airplanes.

Oddessey and I on the Ferris Wheel.

It started raining pretty good when we were on
here, that's why Tara's covering Lowynn up. =) The wind
also picked up pretty good, and when you'd come around to
the top the wind would catch the cart and it felt like you were
going to tip forward. It was pretty scary, I thought we were
going to fall to our death, but we survived. =)

Lowynn on the boats.

This is when we were leaving.

He had a wet butt from sitting
on the wet rides. =)
Friday night we went to Santaquin's carnival. This was the second year that they've done one. They don't have a lot of rides, but it's really nice because there's not very many people there. Lowynn loved it, his favorite was the boats. I don't know why he liked them, it was very slow, but he wanted to keep going on them. He went on it 2 times, but the second time it started raining, so the guy stopped it. He didn't get that long of a ride, I felt bad. He also went on the airplanes twice, and really liked them. It was really fun, and he enjoyed every ride he went on. I just wish I could've rode with Lowynn on the Ferris Wheel, but they wouldn't let him and Tara ride in the same one as Oddessey and I. She said he liked it and he was pointing at everything when they came to the top. I wish I could've seen his expressions =( but I'm glad he liked it. Even though it was raining, it was a lot of fun!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Yard Sale

I went over to my grandma's early, so Derrick got
the kids up and going. He even dressed them. I
was pretty impressed. =)

Derrick and Oddessey

Lowynn, playing with his cousins.

We've been having yard sales to get money for our Disneyland trip we want to take next year. So far we've made $500, so we've done pretty good! Yard sales are a lot of work, especially when you do one at your house, and the next weekend you do it at your grandma's. We've done a lot of setting up, cleaning up, and moving around. It's paid off though!

So Much Fun!

Lowynn was eating something. =)
Watching tv.
Playing in the mirror.

Lowynn and Oddessey love each other, they're so much fun. I love to watch and listen to them. They get laughing at each other all the time. Lowynn will go lay down by Oddessey if she's on the floor. I love them so much! I can't wait till Oddessey is walking around, they're going to have so much fun!

New Beds

Oddessey in her crib.
He's hiding under his sheet. =)

Lowynn on his bed.

We finally put Lowynn's new bed up in their bedroom! Now he's in his new bed, and Oddessey's in the crib. Lowynn loves his new bed, but he's having a hard time with it. During the night when I go in their room, he's always in a different place. He's in the bed, then he's on the floor, then he's on his bed, then he's under the crib. He's always asleep, and he never cries. So I don't know if he's doing it in his sleep, or if he's awake and just chooses a place to lay down. Either way, it's pretty funny!

Daddy's Little Helper

Derrick was cleaning up the pine cones, and Lowynn had to help. It was cute to watch!

Swimming Fun

You can always find Derrick
playing with the kids.
Kanyon about to land!

Lowynn was pretty nervous about this.
Just look at his face! It's a little blurry.
When they lit, he actually liked it!
Our family!
There's this family in Santaquin that let's people go swim in their pool. They charge $2, we've been going there ever since I can remember. My mom reserved it for a couple of hours. It was a lot of fun, I hadn't been there for like 6 years. It took Lowynn a while to get used to it. He stayed in the hot tub for most of the time. I made him come in the pool, he was a little nervous, but he warmed up to it. He really liked it, and was mad when we had to get out. Oddessey LOVED it! I hope we can go again sometime soon, I need to keep my kids used to it. I don't want them to be afraid of the water! (I also look really bad, don't mind the no make up!)


Some of the fireworks.

Derrick and Lowynn, watching
the fireworks.
Oddessey and I, watching them, too.
He loved them.
Cheesing it!
More fireworks

The weekend of the celebration, they have fireworks. We are able to sit in our yard and watch them from there. I love my family and starting traditions with them. I really love keeping the traditions going from ever since I was little. It's so much fun!