Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Family Fun

Derrick and I at a Jazz game.
 Lowynn riding his Spiderman four wheeler.

 The kids zonked out in the van.

 Oddessey, she's just getting too big!

 Daddy walking Oddessey.

 Lowynn, getting ready to go play in the snow.

All geared up =)

Oddessey, at her grandpa and grandma Mecham's.

 Lowynn, at his grandpa and grandma Mecham's. 
This is one of his favorite things to do over there, play
with bubbles. He loves it!
 With grandma Teresa.

 Lowynn feeding Oddessey. I love them, and I can tell
that they love each other! Having one kid is so fun, but having
two, is twice the fun! I love my family!

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