Friday, November 26, 2010


Gaven, Toni, Brandie,
Paytin, Shaylie, Oddessey,
and Half of Teresa. =)

 My kids love the babies. I didn't get any pictures of Lowynn
loving on them =(, but he was rubbing their heads and
giving them kisses. It was pretty cute.
 Paytin and Teresa. I think the flash blinded Paytin! =)
 Lowynn and Jaxyn making ornaments. Lowynn either really 
cheeses it, or he is so sober faced. He's so silly.

Jaxyn showed Lowynn to color on himself 
when we weren't looking.
Lowynn's ornaments. (For some reason, I couldn't
get this picture to go straight.)

 Oddessey with her great grandma Annette.
 Annette, Oddessey, and Shaylie.
 Teresa and Oddessey. My kids are always wanting 
grandma's ice water! 

 I told them I was going to take a picture, and I was
telling Derrick to quit singing. So what does he do? Keeps singing,
and really exaggerates his lips! That's Derrick, and of coarse,
 it was Elvis that he was singing!
Derrick, Teresa, and Karree.
 Lowynn and Jaxyn.
 Making a yummy chocolate pie. It was so good!

 He had so much fun, he got really messy! =)

 Grandma Teresa, Oddessey, Paytin, and Lowynn.
The night before Thanksgiving, we went over to the Mecham's house. Derrick was making the sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner, and wanted Teresa's recipe. So she showed him how to make them. It was fun to visit with everyone. It's fun to see all the little cousins. It's going to be crazy next year when they're all running around!
Thanksgiving Day

I had to take a picture of the snow! We haven't had
snow on Thanksgiving for a while, I love it!
 Lowynn, before everyone got to our house.
 All the kids. Legend, Lowynn, Damien, Maddyx, and Pheonix.
 Everyone dishing up.
Derrick, Terri Lynn, Tausha,
Half of Les, Grandpa Terry, Grandma Judy, Jeffery,
and the back of Shelley. =)

 Grandpa Terry feeding Oddessey some pie. =)
 Legend and Patience.

We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house, and it was soo much work! It wouldn't have been so bad if Derrick and I wouldn't have decided to go and buy a new entertainment center at 11:00 the night before! So we had to put it together and arrange our living room, plus get our house all cleaned. I was up till 4:30, and then got up at 8. Derrick said he fell asleep on the couch and slept for an hour! Needless to say, we were pretty worn out once the day was over, but it was a lot of fun hosting Thanksgiving!

I just want to say some things that I am thankful for. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband! He does so much for me and our little family, I don't know what I'd do with out him! He supports us and takes care of us. He makes sure to take time with each kid, and they love him so much. He's such an awesome father and husband. I am so thankful for my children. They bring so much joy in to my life. Life is never boring, that's for sure! I'm pretty sure I got the two best kids that's ever lived! =) Lowynn is the little entertainer, he's just like his daddy! He's always making me laugh with his silly dancing, or with the silly things he says! Oddessey is full of laughs! I love to tickle her to hear her giggle! Her little personality is starting to blossom and I love it! My family is the best in the world, I'm so thankful for them and all the joy they bring into my life! I am so thankful for my life right now, I have a house, two vehicles, a loving family, loving extended family and in-laws, and good friends! There's so much to be thankful for!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Family Fun

Derrick and I at a Jazz game.
 Lowynn riding his Spiderman four wheeler.

 The kids zonked out in the van.

 Oddessey, she's just getting too big!

 Daddy walking Oddessey.

 Lowynn, getting ready to go play in the snow.

All geared up =)

Oddessey, at her grandpa and grandma Mecham's.

 Lowynn, at his grandpa and grandma Mecham's. 
This is one of his favorite things to do over there, play
with bubbles. He loves it!
 With grandma Teresa.

 Lowynn feeding Oddessey. I love them, and I can tell
that they love each other! Having one kid is so fun, but having
two, is twice the fun! I love my family!