Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jazz Game

This is a little late, but we went to a Jazz game on February 24, it was a lot of fun. Lowynn did enjoy it, even though he has tears in his eyes in most of the photos. It was because he wanted to walk around, and we were making him sit on our laps! =) I love that he's getting older and he's able to do things, it's gonna be so much fun when Oddessey is older, too!


  1. Haha okay I love how you're smiling in every picture, Derrick is half-smiling, and Lowynn is refusing to smile.
    It's great.
    I watched a little of the Jazz game tonight and thought of you guys. Just thought you should know.

  2. That's funny! We converted you to pepsi, are the Jazz next? =)
