Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Day At The Park

She slep the WHOLE time!

He went down all by his self, too! =)

Getting read to go down the
big tube slide.

Derrick is such an awesome dad! He had
just as much fun as Lowynn did!

Derrick was pushing him high,
and he LOVED it!

Going down a slide all by his self!

Climbing up to the big tube slide,
he was so brave!

I couldn't believe he was going down head first,
but then he went to bigger slides and did the same thing!

I had so much fun going to the park with my family! I love that I am able to take my children to the park! Lowynn loved it, and Oddessey just slept, but it was a ton of fun! Lowynn was so daring, he climbed up the stairs and went down the slides head first. He is so cute and so much fun. I am so lucky to have him in my life! I can't wait for more trips to the park!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we weren't there :(, we were napping. We'll definitely make it next time!
