Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quite The Scare!

Derrick and Lowynn were rough housing, Derrick grabbed onto Lowynn's pants and he tried to run away. He toppled over and lit flat on his face. Derrick picked him up and he took so long to take a breath, it was scary! He had a big bump on the side of his nose, we thought he had broken his nose for sure. So we took him to the ER (it was 8 o'clock, so our doctor's office was closed). The doctor said that his nose is mostly cartilage, so it wasn't broken. He said to just watch him, and to see if his nose is correctly aligned when the swelling goes down. Poor little guy, it was so sad, he also cut inside of his mouth and was bleeding pretty bad. He got blood all over Derrick as well as himself. Derrick felt sooo bad, it was pretty scary!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Day At The Park

She slep the WHOLE time!

He went down all by his self, too! =)

Getting read to go down the
big tube slide.

Derrick is such an awesome dad! He had
just as much fun as Lowynn did!

Derrick was pushing him high,
and he LOVED it!

Going down a slide all by his self!

Climbing up to the big tube slide,
he was so brave!

I couldn't believe he was going down head first,
but then he went to bigger slides and did the same thing!

I had so much fun going to the park with my family! I love that I am able to take my children to the park! Lowynn loved it, and Oddessey just slept, but it was a ton of fun! Lowynn was so daring, he climbed up the stairs and went down the slides head first. He is so cute and so much fun. I am so lucky to have him in my life! I can't wait for more trips to the park!

He's just too cute!

He was driving his Batman motorcycle thing, (Andy will probably correct me because it probably has a name) =) and he was making the noise of it driving. He was making that sound over and over and over, so I decided to record him. He only did it for a second while I was recording him, of coarse, but he's just so cute so I kept recording! I love this beautiful weather we've been having. It's so much fun taking Lowynn outside!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend Getaway!

Derrick, on our way to Salt Lake!

We went on a carriage ride. It was fun!

A picture of us kissing =)

Natalie and I with our stuff we got from shopping! YAY!

Some pictures of Andy and Derrick.

Funny pictures!

Andy and Derrick got the same shoes =)

Derrick and I ready for bed.

Natalie and I having fun jumping on the bed!

Getting ready to leave for dinner.

Walking to Olive Garden

Our anniversary dinner. =)

He was getting upset with all the pictures I was wanting!

Then we went back to the hotel to play some games.
It was a fun night!

This is the morning before we left.

Derrick and Andy going through the door, we were
leaving our little weekend getaway! =(

We stayed in the Little America Hotel, and it was a lot of fun! Although, I missed my children very badly, and checked on them constantly, it was nice to get away for the weekend. March 15 is our 6 year dating anniversary, and March 14 is Andy and Natalie's, so it worked out perfectly! It's nice to have family who will take your kids for the weekend, thanks Tara, Tausha, and Amber! And thank you Andy and Natalie for a fun weekend!