Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well, at 4 months she had to have an x-ray to see if her soft spot had closed, because the doctor couldn't feel it. The x-rays came back showing that although it was starting to close, the skull wasn't fusing together. Meaning that her brain still had room to grow. We just had her 6 month check-up and the doctor said that on the x-ray report they recommended doing a follow up cat-scan at 6 months. He ordered one, and now I just have to wait for the hospital to call me and let me know when they schedule it. I hope it's still fine. If it comes back bad then they'll have to do surgery on her!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Softball Season!

It's so much fun to go and watch Derrick play. Lowynn had a blast! During the first
game it was nice and warm, but then we moved to a different field and it was in the
shade, and holy cow it was cold! Derrick's team won both games. What a fun night!

Feeding the Ducks

Getting ready to feed the ducks.

This was so cute. I love watching them
together! I love my boys!

There were baby ducks, they
were so cute!

Since we had the week off, we tried to do some fun things. Monday we went to the Zoo, and Friday we did this. I love not working, I wish I only had to work every other week!

The Zoo

It was a fun trip to the zoo. Our friends Andy and Natalie came, and my mom came. (Derrick's mom, dad, and sister came when we were almost done, so I don't have any pictures of them.) There's not as much to see now, when I was little there were a ton of different animals, now all they have are monkeys! Ok, not really, but a vast majority are monkeys. Lowynn had fun getting to run around, he really didn't pay too much attention to the animals. It was a really fun day, it was nice to get out of the house!