Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oddessey's New Face

Oddessey has this new face that she pulls. It's when 
she smiles at you, but I think she does it when something's 
not that funny, but she smiles any way. She's so cute!

  I had to put this on, too! She's FINALLY crawling! YAY!

 She was doing this, it was so funny. =)

Yard Work and Feeding the Ducks

Derrick is trying to get a driveway put together before the
winter. His parents bought us the railroad ties, and they're
going to get gravel next week. It's going to be so nice!

 Derrick didn't want to leave his project, so we left him
behind and went to Salem pond to feed the ducks. =)

 Tara asked if we wanted to go feed the ducks since the weather was so nice! It was fun, Lowynn loved it. Oddessey did, too. She even started saying duck! I am loving this nice weather, I'm glad we were able to get out and enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Such An Awesome Daddy!

Derrick is so fun! He seen that Robin in one of those claw machines, and HAD to get it. It took him 25 tries, and $15. He did get Oddessey a toy with the money as well, so he sees it as $7 for Robin and $7 for Oddessey's toy. =) Then a few weeks later we went in different doors, and what did he see in that claw machine? Batman. Again, he HAD to get it. He only had $5, so he had to really concentrate. This time it only took 3 tries, which was $1.50. Batman was right on top, he wasn't nestled in or stuck at all. He also had to get one for Oddessey, too. He's so cute, he's such an awesome daddy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lowynn and Oddessey

 Mad eyes =)

Oddessey looks like a little boy =)
Oh how I love my babies! They aren't really babies any more! Oddessey will be 1 next month, and Lowynn's almost 2 and 1/2. Time sure does go fast, but the time has been really fun. I can't wait to see how they are around Christmas and on Christmas morning. It was a lot of fun with Lowynn, but now he'll have Oddessey's exciting energy to feed off of. =) I would say that being a mom is the best thing in the world!

Halloween Time!

 Showing Oddessey =)

We LOVE Halloween! It is such a fun holiday! Plus, it means that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner! We love to decorate for it and we have a party every year! It's so much fun to get into the spirit of the holiday. Happy Halloween everyone!