Saturday, April 17, 2010

Picnic Fun

We decided to have a picnic and play some Frisbee. Lowynn wanted to go play on the playground, but he had fun just running around and didn't pay too much attention to it. The boys threw the Frisbee around while Natalie and I sat and watched. We joined in a little later, but we weren't that swell at it, so we left it to the boys. I even got it stuck on top of the bathrooms, so Andy had to hoist Derrick up to get it. It was pretty funny!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beautiful Girl!

Ah, I can't get enough pictures of my beautiful baby girl! She is so gorgeous. & I don't just think that because I'm her mother ;). She is so happy, (well, during the day) and I can get really good photos of her smiling big. I am so glad that she is a part of my family, I am truely blessed!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Fun!

Andy and Natalie came over Friday night to color eggs.

Derrick and I being dorks.

Lowynn just wanted to hold the eggs.

Holding our eggs that we made.

I had to get a picture of Oddessey, too!

Easter Morning
Coming in to see what the Easter Bunny brought him.

Finding the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid.

Playing with his new toy .

Easter Day

Lowynn Easter egg hunting at great
grandma & grandpa's.

& Oddessey, too! =)

She fell asleep during the hunt, and even stayed
asleep when we went back into the house.
All the Easter egg hunters!
Abbie, Tara, Oddessey, Patience, Pheonix,
Kanyon, Legend, Damion, Jaylynn, Lowynn,
Maddyx, and JayDee.
Now she's wide awake.

He was so ornery, and finally fell asleep on
grandma Terri Lynn's lap.
He could see his daddy out the window putting stuff
in the van, and waited for him to come back in.
It was cute.
I had to get a picture of Derrick & I!

It was a fun Easter. Lowynn could actually do the hunt all by himself! I can't wait for next year when both of my kids will be able to do the hunt together! ( Oh, and ps, I HATE blogger! Every time I upload photos, I get SO frustrated! It needs to be easier! GRR!)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Kite Flying

Lowynn got a Justice League kite from my dad. When the wind was blowing he brought it over and tried it out. Lowynn loved it, he would make the sound effect of it flying when it was in the air! It was fun to see him learning something new!